Be My Followers !

My Wonderful Day

Hi Reader!

What a nice day November 11, 2012
Today was really special day for me personally
On the day I attended a competition at LIA
Well even if I do not win, I'm proud

You know what make me proud?
Mr.Cuek, hehehe
Well, we are a partner during the race
And unlike what I imagine
I imagined how she abandoned me alone to describe the picture and handed it all to me.
But I was wrong, he was very good.
Even I thought, if he was not there at the time, I'd abandoned with no one to care for me.

There are some beautiful moments on that day.
And it's enough I know, I do not want all people of the world will read, laughed, and said "you too much".
Well, I have exaggerated
I can not really if the guy called me like,
I would immediately assume he likes me.
Parah ya nduk -_-

Oh yeah, maybe I can reveal only funny moment
Okay, check it out!

It's already a long time I do not go to the dictionary manually, now I've got used to use Alfalink
Ehh I Alfalink suddenly discharged batteries in the day, and I had to carry a dictionary manually.
Of course I was stiff, and when Mr.Cuek asked "you try to open the dictionary, looking towards the English language".
Dag dig dug exact
I'm too old to look, not a long time he came over me and I open the page PROVE it english to Indonesia, not Indonesia to English-_-
SHAME really!
Yeah, then I'm honest I've long not manually open the dictionary, he could only laugh, hiii

Don't Read !

Hallo readers !

I want to say HI to you
Yeah may be now I have a little bit crazy

First, I must say WOW to you all
You have known that "WOW" is the most word that everybody always said

And the second, I must invite you to dance Gangnam style with me
Yeah, then, you also have known that "Gangnam Style" is popular with its music
I also love this song, if I listen to this song, I always laugh, and I know that laugh is can make me always looks young, hahaha

Okay, there's no the third things to do, or the fourth things or etc...

Now, I want you to listen and read, how awful me at the first day after holiday of my English course
Do you know cover boy? Yeah, I know that you have known.

Have you feel 'love' , 'hurt' , 'miss' , or 'sad' ?
I hope you've felt all of this.
Because if you never feel this, you must be weird. Yeah.

Okay, let me to start my story.
In my first day after holiday of my English course, I meet again with weird boy.
For note to you all : weird boy isn't an ugly boy, but weird boy is a handsome and smart boy, but he's a very quite boy. Huh.

I know I've tell you a story about 'partner in the English dialog', yeah, he's the same person with this boy. And I'll never tell to you who is he.

Initially I thought he had the same feeling with me, but in fact is not.
Even he turned more into more away from me, I do not know why. maybe my attitude is still a childish?
Could it be the reason? I think that's impossible.
I've tried to be as normal as possible and as sweet as possible.
However, if he thinks I am weird? I do not want to continue like this, I want him to know.
I just want him to know, please talk to me, but not to be angry or to be a weird boy that very very makes me don't know what to do. 

why are you so weird? I do not want you now, I want you once, you were always smiling. You can change? yeah I hope you can, because every person must be changed if it is someone that has the will, and one of them is you. good luck.

yeah yeah,
Did you know? why I post this entry with "don't read" as the tittle.
This is my privacy, actually.

So, if you've read all of this entry, it's okay, I just want you yo shut up, and if you know who is the boy that I talk here, please shut up, too.

Good Bye ! I love you !

Your Smile

Yeah, may be this is the first time he smile for me, he's very friendly and he looks more handsome with his nice smile.

And I don't know why he choose me tobe his partner in the English Dialog, I felt so happy there, I felt like dance with the most handsome prince in the world.

Did you know that yesterday I choose you tobe my partner in the English Dialog again because I wanna always with you, and I wanna always your partner, not only in the English Dialog, but in the real life.
I wanna you say "Your life is my life" , then I'll answer "You're a part of my life". But please never say "forever", because I hate this world, if you break it ,then it will be very painful for me. So please don't say forever, it's a bullshit :)

Michael Adam Rickard

Hello reader !
Long time no see ya !

Reader, I wanna show you my new idol.
Yeah, his name is Michael Adam Rickard.
And now, I'm michaelious

Oh iya, sebenernya aku ngerasain sesuatu yang aneh gitu loh
Aku sih udah beberapa kali punya idola, tapi baru kali ini rasanya aku sampe begininya *cukuptau*

Liburan aku kali ini hanya diisi dengan browsing *ofcourseaboutmickey*

You wanna see his photo ? Okay 

What do you think? Handsome ? Of course 

Sebenarnya masih banyak yang aku belum tau tentang mickey, yaa tapi beginilah begitu modem connect langsung browsing, entah itu berhasil atau nggak.

Cowok diatas itu bule loh
Hihihi, sebenernya kalo gak ku kasih tau mungkin kalian juga udah tau duluan ya.

Mickey itu bisa 3 bahasa loh kata mommy nya, bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Mandarin.

Dan satu yang bisa dijadiin alasan buat jadi michaelious, dia itu friendly, keluarganya juga.
Pokoknya awesome banget

Oke, sekarang aku share biodatanya, secukupnya aja ya

Long name : Michael Adam Rickard
Nick name : Mike or mickey
Date of Birth :Jakarta, 27th April 2011
Favorite colour : Red
Real twitter : @michaeladamrick

Okay, it's enough.

Nah, sekarang aku mau share foto-foto Mickey, entah itu yang udah lama ataupun yang baru, acak aja ya :)

Okay, I think it's enough for today, goodbye

Holiday = Hell or Heaven ?

Hello reader !
Sekarang aku lagi libur nih
Bukan libur setelah ulangan, tapi libur menjelang ulangan.

Aku libur karena kakak-kakak kelas 9 lagi UN
dan setelah UN selesai nanti, kakak-kakak kelas 9 bakal libur panjang.
Sebagian dari kalian pasti udah bilang 'wow, enak banget ya'
Tapi buat aku pribadi sih 'so-so' aja.

Kenikmatan libur itu tergantung dengan kegiatan kita
Nah, kalo libur itu diisi dengan hal-hal yang exciting, mungkin bakal jadi 'heaven' ya.
But, kalo libur itu just stay at home, and do an absurd activity, you'll feel like in the 'hell'.

Dan buat liburan ku kali ini.
Kayaknya 'heaven' buat aku ya
Walaupun just stay at home, tapi kegiatan di rumah ini buat aku makin betah.
Walaupun cuma tidur, mandi, makan, online, dan selalu di ulang-ulang.
Tapi aku ditemani mama, gak ada deh yang paling setia di banding mama.

Oh iya, di sela-sela rutinitas tersebut, aku masih bisa kok main sama sahabat yang paaaaling aku sayang, namanya ika, nama yang udah gak asing lagi kan?
Biasanya kami main sepeda keliling-keliling komplek gitu.
Dan setiap kali kami bersepeda buat jalan-jalan, setiap kali itu juga kami selalu kedapetan hal-hal aneh yang buat kami TERGANGGU banget -_-
Mulai dari bola yang ngendarain motor, sampe gagang sapu yang ngendarain sepeda
Kesan kami pertama kali tuh TAKUT, yaiyalah, sumpah aneh banget penampilannya itu loh
Udah lah ah, males ngebahas orang aneh

Oh iya guys, dari dulu tuh aku pengen banget jadi penulis, ya walau cuma buat dibaca beberapa orang aja.
Aku pengen banget ngeluarin buku hasil karangan aku sendiri gitu
Yah, tapi belum pernah kesampean nih. 'not yet' bukan berarti 'never' kan?

Aku udah coba sih buat nulis cerita yang bagus gitu, tapi aku malah bingung buat ngasih penutupnya.
Selain itu aku juga sering bingung buat strategi dan puncak permasalahannya itu loh.
Makanya sekarang aku jadi penggemar setia ftv, hehehe
Bukan mau liat yang cinta-cintaannya, tapi aku mau liat skenarionya sampe bisa buat penonton jadi tegang sampe terharu gitu.

Walaupun belum berhasil, tapi aku bakal coba terus ! Yeayy !

Lyrics of Dear Diary - M2m

Verse 1
Dear diary,
Something good happened today
He finally called me by my name
I didn't know how to behave
What to say or do
I was so confused
Verse 2
Dear diary,
I wanna talk to him again
But whenever he is with his friends
He keeps trying to pretend
But I already see
The way he feels for me
What can I do?
Tell me what can I say
When do I let him know I feel the same way?
How can my feelings be so hard to show when
I really want him to know
Verse 3
Dear diary,
He wrote some letters on his hand
It wasn't hard to understand
I figured I'm part of his plans
But now I'm in his heart
I don't know where to start
You're my secret hiding place
Where my private thoughts are safe
And just one look and he will see
What's inside of me
Chorus x 2

Listen to Songs:

Home Alone

Hihihi, halo reader !
Baru jepret jepret sendiri nih di kamar.
Aku dapet boneka baluu, lucu banget deh
Langsung aja ya ;)

What do you think?
Tolong kritik dan sarannya ya, but don't insult me !

Hello April !

Hello ?
What a nice day
Hari ini adalah first april, april mop guys ;)
Pengennya sih happy happy gitu, tapi yah ternyata just stay at home

Sebenernya sih april mop tahun lalu gue dapat kenangan buruk
Tapi yah gak apa-apa lah, berharap buat jadi yang lebih baik aja

And My April Wish :

1. Lebih sabar
Guys, gue ini orangnya emosian banget. Dan bisa dibilang jutek. Di bulan April ini gue berharap banget buat bisa jadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya, salah satunya ya gue pengen jadi lebih sabar aja. Kan segala sesuatu itu enak ya kalo dijalani dengan kesabaran ? ;)

2. Be taller and fatter
Hiks, gue ngidamin banget supaya gue itu bisa agak lebih gemuk gitu. Bosen soalnya tiap liat kaca kurus mulu -_-

3. Always happy
Yups guys, gue pengen awet muda taukk. Dan gue berharap supaya semua orang yang dulunya nyebelin banget tuh, bisa jadi lebih baik sama gue, biar gak nambahin DOSA !

4. My nice dreams will comes true
Gue berharap semua mimpi indah gue bisa jadi kenyataan. Itu sih idaman gue dari dulu kali ya, hehe

5. At last, certainly be better
Iya dong, bulan baru berarti lebih baik.

Okay guys, I think that's enough, yeah?
Sampe sini dulu ya, and I hope someone would leave a coment, love you xoxo